Clinic Shots

mobile vet clinic van
Recent photos of interest from the Vetvan surgery.


Cat Ovaries in Season


Mast Cell Tumour
Tumour size measured

Margins drawn in to maximise chance of complete removal

Tumour removed
Local anesthetic given to reduce pain

Suturing commenced

First layer of sutures completed

Time for bandage

Regulating Body Temperature


Prep for surgery on a heating pad to regulate body temperature

Prep for surgery – on a heating pad to regulate body temperature.

In recovery – heating pads, air con and blankets to regulate temperature.

Removal of Broken Tooth

Fractured Tooth – pulp (root) exposure

Tooth removed in sections

First root cleanly removed – two to go!

Sutured – ready for recovery.

Female Speying

Comparison of reproductive organs - large and small dog

Small dog uterus and ovaries

Large dog uterus and ovaries

Doug Cuddles

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