VetVan Mobile Veterinary Clinic Booking Procedure

mobile vet clinic ute
The day phone is switched on at 8am each weekday morning. Phone calls are answered immediately unless Andrew is with a client or on another call.

Most messages are returned within 1 hour..

Business Hours

  • Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 5.00pm.
  • Friday 8.00am to 12.00pm.
  • Saturday morning by prior appointment.

Tuesday and Friday are surgical days and missed phone calls are usually answered by the end of the day. On these days routine calls are not booked.

When an appointment is made, a time frame for arrival of one hour is given. If Andrew is unexpectedly delayed he will call or message and let you know. To book a consultation at your preferred time, it is recommended to call as early as possible.

When does my pet need urgent care?

 If you’re worried about your pet and it is outside of business hours, please call:

  • Brisbane Veterinary Specialist Centre (Albany Creek) on 3264 9400
  • The Pet ER (Stafford Heights) on 3359 5333
  • University of Queensland (St Lucia) on 3365 2110

In helping to determine if urgent care is required, Andrew recommends using caution (being risk adverse) and commonsense (apply the same principles to your pet that you would apply to yourself). It is recommended to seek vet hospital care immediately in these situations:

  • Unconsciousness or won’t wake up
  • Male cats straining or unable to urinate
  • Trouble breathing, excessive panting, change in breathing pattern
  • Tick paralysis e.g. wobbly legs, laboured breathing
  • Ingestion or suspected swallowing of antifreeze, rat poison, human medications or harmful chemicals
  • Trauma from a fall or being struck by a car
  • Seizures
  • Collapses
  • Swollen abdomen that is hard to the touch
  • Has gone more than 3-4 hours between delivering puppies or kittens

Please note that due to logistical issues (i.e. unable to be at two places at once); VetVan is unable to provide an ambulance service.

Contact Form - General Enquiries

All enquiries will be returned by the end of the next business day.

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